Talking to „Down Under“

Yesterday, my colleague Sebastian Fiedler introduced me to Robert Fitzgerald, Associate Dean of the University of Camberra’s Faculty of Education, Science, Technology & Maths. We had an inspiring conversation via Skype on how to link action and design research with some practical aspects of teaching and learning. Rob had some really good input on new approaches to using technology in teaching, for instance.

What we usually do in science, according to Rob, is behaving like this drunk guy stumbling out of an Irish pub who ended up on his knees tapping around on the ground. Some other guy eventually stepped by and asked him what he was doing there in the middle of the night, on his knees digging around on the ground with a pretty confused look on his face… „I lost my car keys“, the guy responded and they both started looking  for the keys underneath the streetlight again. After a little while, the guy that tried to help said, „I’m really sorry, mate. I can’t find your keys right here… Are you sure, this is where you lost ’em?“ The drunk guy answered, „Well, actually I didn’t lose them here.“ „So, why is it you are looking for them at this place?“ — „You see, this is where the light was…“ 🙂

There is actually some interesting stuff going on over there in Australia, especially at the faculty’s INSPIRE-Center, which is an institution for new approaches to learning, communication and collaboration.

One of the things that link us is our shared interest in Educational Design Research. The three of us have now made up some plans for potential cooperation projects in 2016. I’m very curious how that will work out and hope to be able to meet some of our Australian friends soon during the next year.

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